《A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All!》下载资源
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史蒂夫·卡瑞尔、蒂娜·菲 6.8
格雷厄姆·查普曼、约翰·克里斯 7.9《A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All!》剧情内容介绍
《A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All!》
A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All!
lukas 2011-05-12
太好看了!!歌也棒死了!!!stephen和jon的那段太赤果果了好吗【oh look its a mistletoe! y'know according to tradition we're supposed to ****】/////
苍★☆☆☆☆ 2012-02-01
JonStewart AND StephenColbert
Lynn ♥ 2011-12-25
Jon太萌太軟了......... and Elvis Costello sounds a lot like Mark Sheppard...
booooooooof 2015-11-10
哈哈哈哈扣扣的christmas歌词笑死我了 我🐻声音太醉人
elapse 2012-07-13
音乐还不错,苦的是没有字幕,囧叔唱歌那段笑*** 故意的么
咸鱼の森 2013-04-06