9/11: 十年后在线观看和下载

9/11: 十年后(2011)

别名:9 / 11十周年纪念

演员: 罗伯特·德尼罗




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《9/11: 十年后》剧情内容介绍

《9/11: 十年后》


9/11: 十年后原名:9/11: 10 Years Later,又名9、11十周年纪念

This unprecedented and exclusive insider's account of the World Trade Center attack, which contains the only known footage of the first plane striking the World Trade Center and the only footage from inside Ground Zero during the attacks, will also include footage from events marking the 10th anniversary, as well as new interviews with many of the firefighters who were featured...

Fran 2011-09-12
