最近才知道Washington DC早已不再是MLK那时的chocolate ****。Gentrification挤走了聚居这里的黑人,让他们讲述自己故事的声音更加微弱,更加“无伤大雅”。相对应的是Chappelle,带着他祖辈几代黑人知识分子和政治**家的记忆,在无数次红遍全美和世界后选择回到他的Ohio community, stand by it, and speak from it. Chappelle这时让我想起了MLK,因为他的言论对所有肤色的人都同样inspirational。不夸张的说,在George Floyd被杀**后,在无数**抢掠后,所有人都在迷雾重重中等待着Chappelle发声,等待他帮助我们relate to it and make sense of it。
kylegun 2022-10-26
上街散步已是文明的最后一条防线,after that, it's ra-ta-ta-ta-ta
阿特拉斯抠抠脚 2021-04-23
抓马**不抓马 2021-06-26
8分46秒是警察壓在George Floyd脖子上致其死亡所用的時長。
🍄 2022-08-31
me pretending idc how much screen-time gon get so long as ive got the link ready set. (nothing rly goes away, its always here🖐️
Amber 2020-09-21
"Do you know why 400 of these cops showed up? Because one of their own was murdered. So how the f*ck can’t they understand whats going on in these streets? We saw ourselves like you see yourself."
我 2020-11-20
We used to laugh at comedians and listen to politicians. Now we listen to comedians and laugh at politicians
乌鸦羊 2020-08-19
重看一遍很难不打五星... 太多国人不懂黑人在经历什么和他们经历过什么,那些痛苦并非历史。做个不太恰当的比喻,如果二战结束的时候日本并没有败,很多日本人来到中国还比中国人地位高,中国人会怎么想... 这个比喻非常不恰当,但是那种被深度欺压之后的反抗是类似的。我们现在感受不到欺压了,所以觉得媒体在过度强调历史,电影里非得有个黑人就是zz正确。他们在争取本来就应该是他们的东西。 这个民权运动的方式是值得商榷的,但是任何怀疑这个运动动机的人,可能得闭嘴了。
霜 2020-07-15
娇妮 2020-07-17
最近才知道Washington DC早已不再是MLK那时的chocolate ****。Gentrification挤走了聚居这里的黑人,让他们讲述自己故事的声音更加微弱,更加“无伤大雅”。相对应的是Chappelle,带着他祖辈几代黑人知识分子和政治**家的记忆,在无数次红遍全美和世界后选择回到他的Ohio community, stand by it, and speak from it. Chappelle这时让我想起了MLK,因为他的言论对所有肤色的人都同样inspirational。不夸张的说,在George Floyd被杀**后,在无数**抢掠后,所有人都在迷雾重重中等待着Chappelle发声,等待他帮助我们relate to it and make sense of it。
kylegun 2022-10-26
上街散步已是文明的最后一条防线,after that, it's ra-ta-ta-ta-ta
阿特拉斯抠抠脚 2021-04-23
抓马**不抓马 2021-06-26
8分46秒是警察壓在George Floyd脖子上致其死亡所用的時長。
🍄 2022-08-31
me pretending idc how much screen-time gon get so long as ive got the link ready set. (nothing rly goes away, its always here🖐️
Amber 2020-09-21
"Do you know why 400 of these cops showed up? Because one of their own was murdered. So how the f*ck can’t they understand whats going on in these streets? We saw ourselves like you see yourself."
我 2020-11-20
We used to laugh at comedians and listen to politicians. Now we listen to comedians and laugh at politicians
( ´・ᴗ・` ) 2020-07-24
the street will speak for itself.