79 af stöðinni在线观看和下载

79 af stöðinni(1962)

别名:the girl gogo / 79 of Station / Car 79

演员: Kristbjörg Kjeld Gunnar Eyjólfsson Róbert Arnfinnsson




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《79 af stöðinni》剧情内容介绍

《79 af stöðinni》


79 af stöðinni又名the girl gogo、79 of Station、Car 79

Ragnar has left his family farm and works as a taxi driver in Reykjavík in the early sixties. He's drawn to the beautiful but unhappy girl Gogo and hopes to build a better life with her. But she's a lost soul and their brief romance results in tragedy. Hugely popular and controversial in its day, it was seen by 63.000 people in Iceland which was then around the third of the pop...

L'llariit 2018-01-29
