别名:112 Weddings
112场婚礼原名:112 Weddings,又名112 Weddings
After two decades of filming weddings Doug had long wondered what became of those couples.. Are they still together? Is married life what they thought it would be? How have they navigated the inevitable ups and downs of marriage over the long haul? Driven by deep curiosity to answer these questions, he begins to track down and interview his wedding couples, juxtaposing wedding ...
luzzz 2014-05-01
the discussion on weddings and marriage. "there can be many happy weddings as long as you throw a large amount of money. there may not be many happy marriages though, and that's true." as the director pointed out in the Q&A, "NEVER ask men for advices on marriage." A cool doc.XD
西西弗兮 2014-06-25
It's nothing like what I imagined. Yet it is exactly what I would expect -- no one would be able to predict what really happens after the easy-to-be-happy wedding day.
木鸡 2014-08-19
coconut 2019-07-11
Happy weddings are a dime in a dozen. Happy marriages are much **** rare, and therefore much **** precious in the world.